We notice rust too late. It is preceded by damage and scratches. Trauma…

It uses them and becomes securely attached. They try to neutralize it, erase it, remove it in conceivable and unconceivable ways. Memory … The most aggressive tools are used against it: acids, sandpaper, solvents. It lives on the verge of birth and disappearance, making some efforts, creating the illusion of victory over her. Experience…

Rust knows how to wait, she treats time simply, knowing that time will erase everybody and everything, but it will stay. Memories… Rust can afford itself to just wait. It does not waste time, it is gradually mastered, creating new drawings and opportunities for its development. Reminescence…

It does not attack, it does not need motivation and slogans. Rust doesn’t care who is in front of it. It calmly and confidently does what it can. Memory … When nothing helps, they turn away from it and try to forget. What is stuck in us as a rusty nail that we are constantly clinging to? Tears help rust. Doubts…

It creates itself to transform. Rust repels the uninitiated. To become initiated, you must forget what is in front of you. Memory … Rust has depth. Depth has rust. Acceptance…

Metal notices its deformation, but does not know how to understand and cope with it. Rust notices the metal. It is spoken of seriously and anxiously, without diminutive forms. Memory … Rust knows how to keep secrets. Rust corrodes the sharpness of what seemed indestructible. Lost…

It oxidizes. It is oxidized. It dissolves but it is not dissolved. Genesis (oblivion) …